Pemilik Toko Outdoor ( dan Toko Ikan Koi (
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The day that never come (Metallica): Nglanguuut tenan
A little love (Bryan Adam): Tresno sak tumo
I’ll never falling in love (Bobby Gentry): Wis kapok tenan aku.
All out of love (Air Supply): Katresnan sak pol'e
Help me make it through the night (Sammy Smith): Kancanono aku melek
Goodbye (Air Supply): Lilanana pamit mulih
Alone (Kenny G): Nelongso temen awakku
Lost in love (Air Supply): Katresnan kebablasan
Making love out of nothing at all (Air Supply): Nge****k gratisan
Wherever you will go (The Calling): Sak karepmu
Grease (Bee Gees): Kinclong
How deep is your love (Bee Gees): Duwekmu kok jero 'men
I started a joke (Bee Gees): Wiwit mbanyol
Dressed for success (Roxette): Ojo minthal-minthul
In the morning (Bee Gees): Esuk uthuk-uthuk
Right here waiting (Richard Marx): Tak enteni randhamu
Saturday night fever (Bee Gees): Meriang ning nekat ngapel
Stayin' alive (Bee Gees): Dawa umur
You are not alone (Michael Jackson): Ayo tak kancani
Words (Bee Gees): Nggedebus
Highway star (Deep Purple): Jago trek-trek'an
Country Road (John Denver): Dalan gragalan
Smoke on the water (Deep Purple): Umob (album: Nggodog Wedang)
Soldier of fortune (Deep Purple): Bejo dadi serdadu
Get on top (RHCP): Ganti awakmu neng nduwur
Mama (Genesis): Mbok'e
Carrie (Europe): Muliho, jupuken sik
Another day in paradise (Phill Collins): Suk'mben ing swarga
In and out of love (Bon Jovi): Mlebu-metu, mlebu-metu, metuuuu
Againts all odds (Phill Collins): Genep (gak ganjil)
Until it sleeps (Metallica): Keturon
All night long (Lionel Richie): Lek-lek'an/wayangan ngebyar
Wind of change (Scorpion): Angin owah
Still (Lionel Richie): Isih (durung entek)
Stuck on you (Lionel Richie): Kecanthol mbek awakmu..
Welcome to my life (Simple Plane): Sugeng rawuh
Truly (Lionel Richie): Tenane!!!
Fool again (Westlife): Guoblog!!
Frozen (Madonna): Njendel (album: Lengo klentik mangsa mbedhidhing"')
Burn (Usher): Kobongan
Like a virgin (Madonna): Kaya sik prawan ae...
The lady in red (Chris de Burgh): Menstruasi
Don't cry for me, Argentina (Madonna): Aja nangis cah Sragen...
Never tear us apart (Inxs): Ojo mbok pisah
Billy Jean (Michael Jackson): Tuku kathok Levis
At the beginning (Donna L & Richard M): Mulo bukane
Black white (Michael Jackson): Ireng putih (album: Seragam sinoman)
Close your eyes (Tiffany & Tommy Page): Ndang modar-o
Killing me softly (Roberta Flack): Di-ithik-ithik sak-modar-e
Don’t know much (Linda R): Ora mudheng babar blas
Release me (Engelbert Humperdinck): Cul'na aku
Truly madly deeply (Savage Garden): Edan, jero tenan….
My way (Frank Sinatra): Sak-karepku (album: Ndableg)
Not me, not I (Delta Goodrem): Sumpah! Dudu aku…
I don't like to sleep alone (Paul Anka): Kelonono aku
Never gonna let you go (Sergio Mendes): Tak cencang awakmu
Fragile (Sting): Grabah Kasongan
Hands clean (Alanis Morissette): Wisuh
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Thursday, June 25, 2009
Ketika menyimpan dokumen pada Microsoft Word (dengan File>Save atau File>Save As atau CTRL+S), simpanlah file ke dalam Rich Text Format (berakhiran .rtf). Untuk mempermudahnya, gunakan saja perintah File>Save As, kemudian klik Save as type dan klik Rich Text Format (.rtf), kemudian klik Save.
Tips ini juga berguna untuk menghindari agar komputer kita tidak terserang virus. Sebagai contoh, ketika kita mengerjakan tugas atau mencari bahan kuliah dari warnet atau komputer lain yang mungkin saja telah terserang virus, kita biasanya menyimpan file ke dalam flashdisk. Sehingga ketika kita membuka file tersebut di komputer sendiri, virus tidak menular.
Di bawah ini adalah tips agar komputer kita dapat aman dari serangan virus:
- Pasanglah antivirus. Ada banyak sekali antivirus yang beredar, bahkan tak jarang yang dapat kita peroleh secara gratis di Internet. Saran saya: Gunakan antivirus yang tidak terlalu membebani komputer, karena akan memperlambat kinerja komputer. Beberapa antivirus lokal tidak kalah bagusnya dari antivirus asing. Hindari menginstal dua atau lebih antivirus ke dalam satu komputer karena dapat menimbulkan masalah pada komputer.
- Biasakan seminggu sekali atau bahkan setiap hari untuk download update antivirus terbaru. Ini penting karena virus baru bermunculan setiap hari. Bahkan ada virus terbaru yang tidak mempan dengan tips yang saya berikan di atas (mengubah file type menjadi Rich Text Format).
- Partisilah harddisk Anda menjadi dua atau tiga. Simpan semua data penting di partisi kedua (biasanya drive D:) atau ketiga (drive E:). Hal ini sangat membantu ketika virus sudah terlalu menyebar atau ketika komputer rusak dan perlu diinstal ulang, maka file yang ada di partisi tersebut tetap aman.
Demikianlah tips dari saya, semoga bermanfaat. Read More..

Anda tinggal angkat telepon, maka kru kami akan datang mengambil kiriman Anda, tanpa dikenai biaya tambahan.
Sebagai agen/gerai resmi PT. TIKI (sebelumnya CV. TITIPAN KILAT), kami melayani pengiriman paket dan dokumen ke seluruh nusantara dan mancanegara. Jenis layanan Tiki antara lain ONS (Over Night Service), REG (Regular Service), HDS (Holiday Delivery Service), SS (Sameday Service), dan International Service. Agen 034 TIKI Kelapa Gading ini telah beroperasi sejak Juni 2008 untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka yang tinggal di wilayah Kelapa Gading, Sunter, Tipar Cakung, Semper, Pegangsaan Dua, dan sekitarnya (wilayah Jakarta Utara) dalam pengiriman dokumen dan paket via Tiki. Kepuasan pelanggan adalah prioritas kami. Hal ini kami tunjukkan dengan layanan pick-up service tanpa biaya tambahan alias GRATIS!!
Sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama, untuk layanan pengiriman dokumen dan paket yang tepat waktu dan harga kompetitif, hanya TIKI jawabannya. Selain itu, tanggal boleh MERAH, tapi kiriman tetap dapat diantar melalui layanan HDS (Holiday Delivery Service). Hal ini didukung dengan pengalaman PT. TIKI sejak 1 September 1970.
Perlu diketahui bahwa Agen 034 Tiki Kelapa Gading ini tergabung di satu tempat dengan Perdana Copy Center yang telah beroperasi sejak tahun 2005. Perdana Copy memenuhi kebutuhan Anda dalam hal: fotokopi, jilid (lakban, ring, soft cover, hard cover), laminating, ATK, dan voucher pulsa. Selain mengenakan harga yang kompetitif, Perdana Copy juga memberikan layanan Antar-Jemput Gratis demi kepuasan pelanggan dengan nomor telepon di atas. Dan untuk mempermudah pencarian alamat Perdana Copy & Tiki Kelapa Gading maka Anda dapat melihat denahnya disini
Terima kasih kami ucapkan atas kunjungan Anda ke blog ini. Jangan sungkan-sungkan untuk memberikan masukan-masukan terkait blog ini, atau terkait dengan pelayanan usaha yang kami jalankan. Anda dapat menghubungi kami via email atau nomor telepon tersebut di atas. Salam sukses selalu!!
(Tiki Kelapa Gading & Perdana Copy)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I just wanna thanks God because my TIKI agent, which I have been operating for one year, gets better. Although it takes a long time to have TIKI license, more than two years, I am very proud to be part of TIKI 'Big Family'. I have been operating this agent since June 2008 at Jl. Kelapa Hibrida Blok RA 3 No. 12, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. In addition, I also have been running Perdana Copy Center in the same place since 2005.
I feel great because I can increase sales and income from my TIKI agent business while maintaining and increasing my copy center business, too. It needs hard work, of course. I highly believe in 'No Pain, No Gain' words. I have to struggle to make these happen.
I remembered long ago when I dream to run a copy center. How can I succeed while I have slightly experience in photocopying field? The only experience I have in this area is when I worked as a typist in 1995s. Sometimes, when I have spare time, I assisted my boss, who also run copy center, to operate copyer.
One who continually encourages me to realize my dream is Giyatno, my lovely cousin. I called him 'the Master of Photocopy' because of his extensive experience in operating and in overhauling copyers. By the time, he was trusted by someone to manage a copy center.
From the support given by my cousin, I finally invested almost all of my money into copy center business. My idea is: I have to diversify my business. One year before, I managed a typing and printing center, named Wahana Computer, at Atma Jaya University. I realized that running a business in a campus, without any connection, is risky. Beside seasonal pattern of campus activities, meaning that there are times where the business is iddle, there is no guarantee that I can sustain my business due to university regulation. That is why I must prepare myself to take another opportunity, that is by running Perdana Copy center. With some failure I experienced long before I started my own business, I hope that this time I will be more careful in facing challenges. Fortunately, my past experiences does not discourage me; rather, they spur me to get better and better.
I practiced the following from time to time to be myself now:
Dare to dream
An entrepreneur should dare to dream. Dream, especially the big one, will lead our path to be success in the future. Dream, as I regard as our blue print, will have positive impact on our thought. Dream is free; it does not require anything from us. Unfortunately, there are some people who are afraid to have dream. This is because there are some old myths around us that blocked people to dream. Some people said that success in everything needs good education background. I don’t. Some other said that to start a new venture, someone should have money first. I don’t. Still other said that they are afraid to fail. I am not. I did not finish my diploma, I left the campus in third semester. I almost don’t have enough money to start my own business. I failed several times before finally succeed. What about Bill Gates? What about Bob Sadino? What about James Watt? Good education and money are important. But they are not the only condition to be success. Everyone can dream everything, no matter who he/she is. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be; because we have only one life and one chance to do all the things we want to do.
Take action!
Dream is not more than a dream until we take action from it. Taking action needs courageousness, passion, enthusiasm, positive thinking, and measurable risk taking. Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is part of success entrepreneur. The important thing is how we take lesson from our past failure to improve ourselves in the future. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, we can't go on well in life until we let go of our past failures. Beside that, we learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do by finding out what will not do, and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery. Thinking out of the box is another critical thing. Many people are afraid to start their own business because they felt comfortable with their current position.
Be optimistic!
This part significantly correlates with our dream. Our dream should be realized with optimism. Without it, it is hard, if not impossible, to make our dream a reality. Not only this attitude will and must influence our venture, but the rest of our life. It is not hard to cope with any problems facing us when we are optimistic.
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